• The hierarchy of Spanish wines

    1. DOC senior legal production area Doc is Spains highest grade of wine, measured by the price of the grapes (usually at least twice the average price of grapes of the same colour in Spain), whether they are bottled in the legal appellation...

    2021-01-15 未知 66

  • French Hierarchy

    French wines are classified into four grades: AOC, VDQS, VDP and VDT. 1. AOC It means origin control naming in French. The variety of grapes in the region of origin, the number of grapes planted, the brewing process and the alcohol content...

    2021-01-15 未知 56

  • 12条记录

Grape wine co., LTD

Xuanwu Lake, Xuanwu District, Nanjing City, Jiangsu Province



Monday to Friday:8:00-18:00