The hierarchy of Spanish wines

2021-01-15 20:05
1. DOC senior legal production area
Doc is Spain's highest grade of wine, measured by the price of the grapes (usually at least twice the average price of grapes of the same colour in Spain), whether they are bottled in the legal appellation, and a very strict tasting and testing regime.
A wine must have been a DO producing region for at least 10 years to apply for this certification. Only wines that have been proven to be consistently of the highest quality over a long period of time can be granted this certification. Only Rioja (Rioja), Priorato (Priola) and Ribear del Duero (on the Douro River) have been certified.
2. Do the legal production area
Is the most important level of fine wine, Spain quality grapes, brewing technology and marketing must reach a certain standard, and then through the standard inspection procedures of heavy and complicated, can be upgraded to the DO, each legal area is equipped with special coordination committee, in grapes, wine and wine marketing and so on each link of supervision and management. Spain currently has about 60 legal appellations.
3. VDLT fine regional table wine
Some wineries in certain regions found the standard DOs cumbersome and added a naming system that indicated where production was made. These areas are usually larger than DO and have a tendency to take the autonomous region as the zoning area. Wines from these regions are often made from a mix of grape varieties. About equivalent to the French Vin de Pays.
4. VC regional table wine
Bland and cheap, the wine label can indicate the region.
5. VDM Dining Wine
The lowest grade is a wine from an unclassified grape growing area or a blend of wines automatically downgraded from different classifications.

Grape wine co., LTD

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